Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Change of plans...

I'm sure that many of you have noticed my recent obsession with photography. I work as a nurse every other weekend. And inbetween I have been keeping myself busy taking pictures. I have decided that for some crazy reason photography is much more fun than nursing. I am so grateful for my degree but have decided to let it take a back seat for now and try to do photography full time. But I need some help getting my name out there......(thus this blog post) :) So check out my photography blog at www.pinkpaisley1.blogspot.com (named after my daughter because her cute little face is what inspired me to start taking pictures). I also have a link here on my family blog just to the right. So take a look if you have time. If anyone is interested e-mail me at cassc23@hotmail.com for prices and availability. Here are a couple pictures from my most recent session with Bronwyn Petersen. Her parents are Mike and Whitney Petersen. There are more of her on my photography blog. ENJOY!!!
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Josh and Amber said...

Cassie, I just looked through your whole photo blog and your pictures are amazing! You do such an awesome job! I think your choice in pursuing photography full time is a good one. Especially if you love it cause your photography is amazing! Anytime you come down to St. George, Let..me..know!!! And that little girl is Adorable!! I can't believe that's mike petersons little girl. I haven't seen him in ages, but she is SO cute!

Jody said...

Cassie~ Hey good for you! Your photography is beautiful! Love it!! Anyhow Im sure there will be some sad patients out there cause your a fantastic nurse too!! Hope life is good and your enjoying it! Your little girl is gorgeous!!

Emily said...

Hey Cassie - good luck with photography. I think your pictures are amazing! I love looking at them. I think you will be very successful. If we were in Idaho I would definitely have you take some pictures for me. Paisley is so cute - she is sure growing up fast. Good luck with everything. Tell your family hi from us.

SARAH T. said...

Good for you in changing careers. WHy not? Right? Good luck. That will be such a great change!! We will have to catch up. I am coming the end of sept. I will give you and Tasha a call. I wrote Tasha saying that we should definitely go skinny dippin or maybe some soaping or toilet papering or just eat brownies. Whichever... chose which one that suits you the best and get back to me so I can mark it on my calendar:)

Rebecca said...

Wow Cassie, those pictures are so adorable! You do a really good job. That is definately a talent you have. Good luck!

A Piece of the Petersons said...

Hey Cassie! Just wanted to say thanx again!!!! You did such an amazing job on the pictures... we LOVE the way they turned out! -Whitney P


tiff snedaker said...

You take some beautiful shots and really have a natural knack for it! Word of mouth is always powerful advertising. I would also get some business cards printed up and maybe put up an ad on craigslist.
Good luck!

Sheena said...

Hey Cassie,

Wow, that is neat! Your pictures are amazing. Good for you. The good thing about having an Idaho nursing license is that it doesn't require any CEU's or to be employed. :)Good luck! We're thinking of you.